Fee Structure


SR. NO. Fee Break-up Type Frequency Payable Amount(Rs.)
1 Registration & Processing Form Charges Non-Refundable One Time At the time of Admission 100
2 Admission Fee Non-Refundable One Time At the time of Admission 3000
Tuition Fees
1 Pre-Nur. To Class-I Non-Refundable Monthly At the time of Admission (subsequently by the 10th of every month) 600
2 STD. II To V Non-Refundable Monthly At the time of Admission (subsequently by the 10th of every month) 750
3 STD. VI To VIII Non-Refundable Monthly At the time of Admission (subsequently by the 10th of every month) 850
4 STD. IX To X Non-Refundable Monthly At the time of Admission (subsequently by the 10th of every month) 1050
Activity Fee
1 Class Pre-Nur. To Sr. KG Non-Refundable Half Yearly Payable in April and Sep 200
Computer Fee
1 STD. I-X Non-Refundable Half Yearly Payable in April and Sep 200
Other Charges(ERP,Sports,First Aid & Student Welfare)
1 Class Pre-Nur to I Non-Refundable Half Yearly Payable in April and Sep 1300
2 Class II to X Non-Refundable Half Yearly Payable in April and Sep 1500
Examination Fee
1 Class Pre-Nur to Sr. KG Non-Refundable Half Yearly Payable in July and Feb 300
2 Class I to X Non-Refundable Half Yearly Payable in July and Feb 400